Friday, September 27, 2019

September 23rd - 27th

- Please sign up for our Mystery Guest here.
- We have our first field trip to Wave Hill on Friday, 10/11. Please remember to pack a lunch and water for your child.

Dear Families,

We had a busy and fun week here in 1S! The beautiful weather has been helping us have long and fun Out Times too.

We have been continuing our Star Interviews and have been learning so much about all of our wonderful families in 1S! Please try to stop by to read our Star Interviews. After our interviews we have been marking where our families are from on the world map and are realizing that we are from all over the world! Here are a few moments we were able to capture:

Students got a wonderful gift this week.... our Bird Guides! Students have been loving how they can find different birds in the bird guide and have been working hard practicing how to use their books.

In Ethics, we read The Family Book by Tod Parr. We discussed how families can be so very different yet the same. Everyone shared something special about our families or something we love to do with our families.

In Math, we learned how to use our Math binders. We practiced opening and closing our binders slowly and carefully making sure we are filing our papers in the right sections!

We also practiced counting with Base Ten blocks. Recognizing a rod is 10 and knowing how to count on from there is an important skill we have been practicing.

With Super Monica, we have been learning colors and have been playing fun games to practice saying them! We are also having our Morning Meetings in Spanish on Wednesdays and have been reading a story in Spanish on Fridays during snack. Thank you Monica!

Morning Meetings have been a great time for us to practice being in charge of reading the schedule, calendar, weather and days in school.

We had a moment rolling on the grass right outside of FL this week (we LOVED it!!!):

Our family mural is complete! If you have not yet had a chance to come by and see it here it is:

We wish every one a calm and relaxing long weekend and for families who will be celebrating Rosh Hashanah... L'shana tovah!

Min Young and Amanda

Friday, September 20, 2019

September 16th - 20th

**If your child was in 1S last year and you keep getting our blog updates, please unsubscribe to our blog. Sorry if you have been getting our updates! 

- We will be sending out our Mystery Guest Sign up sheet on Monday. Please keep an eye out for it!
- Please remember to fill out our Family Questionnaire. Click here to do so. (We are waiting for 3 more responses! :)
- Please fill out our Family Survey! Click here to do so. We have been using them during our Star Interviews!

Dear Families,

Happy Friday! After the second full week of school, 1S has adjusted amazingly to the routines and rhythms of the school day. It was wonderful seeing so many of you at Open School Night. We couldn’t be more excited about the group of children and families that are part of our 1S community. The children were thrilled to get your letters in their lockers on Thursday morning.

This week, we drew self-portraits! We took our times to look ourselves in the mirror and made sure to add as much detail as possible. It was a wonderful time to talk about what we noticed about ourselves as we practiced drawing ourselves.

This week in Language Arts, we began our Star Interviews. These give us a chance to shine as we ask and share things about ourselves and our families. It also is an opportunity to practice forming good, thoughtful questions. We have been encouraging questions about family, as getting to know each other is an essential part of our community study. This activity also allows us to model writing as we work together on letter sounds, spelling, sentence structure and other strategies young writers use. Look for the Star Interviews on our classroom walls!

We also continued to 'visualize' as we read and listened to the 'Gruffalo' by Julie Donaldson. As we read through the book several times, without pictures, we drew what we heard and pictured in our imaginations. It was so fun to see all the different looking 'Gruffalos' at the end!

During math, we had more fun exploring using the pattern blocks! Early in the week, we used them to review patterns and then transitioned into using them for symmetry. Emily, our math specialist, shared the book Seeing Symmetry by Loreen Leedy. We then practice finding lines of symmetry in a variety of ways ! Be prepared, as they may be looking for symmetry everywhere!

Thank you for sending in your family pictures. The children worked hard on their “piece” of our class family mural and were very excited to share them with the class. Be on the lookout next week for it all to come together!

We have been luck to have Super Monica (our fantastic Spanish teacher), join us for Morning Meetings and Story Time (during our Friday snack)!

We were very excited to welcome back an important member of 1S this week; Puffy, our Diamond Dove! We were so excited that many of us got our sketch pads to draw him during our morning choice time! Welcome back, Puffy!

This morning, we had some special visitors from the 5th grade that came to teach us about the Global Climate Strike that is happening today. 1S had some excellent questions and great ideas for how to take care of the Earth. Please ask your child to share some ways to help the Earth!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Min Young and Amanda

March 2nd- March 6th

Reminder:  Please send your child in with a water bottle. We want to be extra careful with our community germs and are trying not to use ...