Friday, November 15, 2019

November 11th - November 15th

* Jackets/Coats: Please send your child in with a warm jacket or coat. As the weather gets colder, gloves and a hat will be a must! Also please make sure your child can zip their own coats. If it is a coat that is too hard for your child to zip independently (some are even hard for us!!!),  this means they are spending a LOT of time asking friends and waiting on teachers to help them. 

* Please send in extra clothes for the cold weather and we will swap it out with the short sleeves and pants in your child's locker. 

*Field Trip next Thursday, 11/21/2019 to the Greenwich Audubon Center. Please remember to pack a lunch and bottle of water for your child. 

Dear Families,

We have had another wonderful week in 1S. The weather has gotten quite cold, but this has not stopped us from having fun and learning!

This week in Social Studies/Bird Work we continued a conversation we started last week about What makes a home a home? We read two books and then made our own homes filled with the special things that make our houses homes for us. Afterwards, we have made connections to how birds build their homes called 'nests' and how there are many different types of nests. We were able to observe and sketch nest in our wonderful nest collection thanks to the many former students who have donated nests they have found!

In math, we played Odd and Even Racing Dice. We loved playing this game and showing our solid understanding of odd and even numbers. Click here to print this game and play at home. (All you need is a 6 sided or 10 sided die!) We also started exploring Cuisenaire rods in our small groups. We will continue to use cuisenaire rods to explore and learn about compliments of 5 to 10.


We had a special Mystery Guest, Debbie, Kaia's grandmother, who is a librarian talked to us all about what goes on at the library. She shared pictures and stories about her work at the, very special,  Cape May Library.

and here is a picture Debbie sent us of our thoughts displayed at the Cape May Public Library!

This morning, Ken, Noah G's dad, surprised us as our Mystery Guest! He shared Noah's love of baseball and read a book to us called, 'Baseball Saved Us'. We also got a lesson from Ken on how to pitch a ball! Thank you, Ken!

In honor of our Celebration of Books, we were visited by Keith Bendit, the illustrator of Calvin Can't Fly. He shared how he developed his thoughts for the story and then he showed us how to draw Calvin!

And here is a picture of our decoration for the Celebration of Books! (and the amazing looking gym, filled with books, books and more books!!!)

In Ethics, we worked in partners to build a rhythm using 4 different colors/movements. Ask your child what our 4 colors and movements are and try making your own family beat or rhythm at home!

We also got a few pictures from out time... :)

Last buy not least... PICTUE DAY! Just in case you are wondering.... of course we were fantastic!
Here are a few shots we got:

Have a wonderful weekend!

MY and Amanda

March 2nd- March 6th

Reminder:  Please send your child in with a water bottle. We want to be extra careful with our community germs and are trying not to use ...