Friday, September 13, 2019

Welcome to 1S!

Dear Families,

Happy Friday! We have successfully finished our first full week of school. We will be sending out weekly blogs on Fridays that will have snap shots of our week. We will include reminders at the end of each blog, so please remember to scroll down to the end to read them!

As we are getting ready to launch our family/community study, every child in our class will be interviewed. During this time, the students will share about their families. The survey will be used to help students who might need some help with country names and etc. It should take about 5 minutes. Please click here to take the survey.

This week in Language Arts, we read 'Jack's Talent' and shared each of our special talents. Next, we read 'Dark Dark Wood' and noticed many reading strategies that can help us read new books. We have also  been practicing our 'visualization' skill as readers, as we illustrate poems we hear related to color. We read a poem about the color 'Red' and the color 'Orange' this week.

In Math, we learned a new game called '3 for 1'. We practiced playing with partners and made sure we rolled and traded nice and fair. We also revisited an old game we played in Kindergarten called, 'Racing Dice'! Today, we explored patterns blocks:

In Ethics, we learned what 'Ethics' means and got to work with partners to get to know them a bit more. It was great to hear and share every one's favorite things/food. :)

We also shared our Nature Treasures in small groups. We shared where we found them and why they are special to us.

This week, we have been reading many books that share our community values. Here are a few books we enjoyed this week:


Snack, out time and lunch are still one of our favorite times of the day! Here are a few pictures of us during these times:

If your child has been talking about 'Naughty Squirrel' here she is! (She is trying to come in to eat some bird seeds...:)

Reminders/ Announcements:
- We will need 4 chaperones for our trip to Wave Hill on Friday, October 11. Please contact our class parents (Ruby and Jen) to sigh up.
- If you have not yet filled out our parent questionnaire please click here to complete it.
- Open School Night is next Wednesday, September 18th.

We look forward to seeing everyone next week. Have a wonderful weekend! 

Min Young and Amanda

March 2nd- March 6th

Reminder:  Please send your child in with a water bottle. We want to be extra careful with our community germs and are trying not to use ...