Friday, December 6, 2019

December 2nd-December 6th

Happy Friday!

Please remember there is NO SCHOOL next Friday, 12/13 as we have Parent Teacher Conferences.

We had a week filled with snow, ice and puddles! Please check your child's bag for their boots, snow pants, hats and gloves. We will be sending them home on the weekends unless you would like your child to keep them all at school.

In Math, we have continued to work with Cuisinaire rods. We started the week with Rod Riddles and have been challenged with Rod Puzzles. We read the book, 'The Most Magnificant Thing', by Ashley Spires. We shared how some things can be challenging and shared strategies we can use then these moments occur, such as taking deep breathes, starting over, and taking breaks!

In Ethics, we worked with our partners to complete our 4- 8 beat rhythms and shared them with our classmates. We will share more of them next week.

As for Birds.... we worked hard to make our own nest books to share different types of nests and birds that build/live in these nests. We will be moving into learning about beaks and feet next week!

We have started reading 'Charlotte's Web' as a class read aloud. We look forward to reading and talking more about the beautiful friendship between Charlotte and Wilber. :)

We had our second meet up with our Buddy Class, 3H, this week! All buddy classes have a been assigned an area of the school to be the caretakers of. Our classes were give the lost and found and Cafe. We worked together with 3H to identify some of the things we've noticed and began to brainstorm solutions. Next time we meet we will put our ideas into action!!

Our special Mystery Guest this week was Sophia's father, Neil! He came to share his passion for math and lead us in fun addition game using dice. We shared our math stories with him and had lots of fun. At the end, we each got a set of dice to take home. To play the game 'Racing Dice' with the new dice,  please click here. Thanks so much, Neil!

We loved playing in the first snow of the year during out time, we made snow forts, snow people and
and even a 'Snow Museum'! We also got faster and faster at getting all of our gear on throughout the week!

Have a wonderful weekend!

MY and Amanda

March 2nd- March 6th

Reminder:  Please send your child in with a water bottle. We want to be extra careful with our community germs and are trying not to use ...