Friday, November 1, 2019

October 28th- November 1st

Happy Friday! We had another great week filled with fun (and sugar)! :)

The week was filled with much excitement about Halloween, costumes and fun plans. Nevertheless, this did not stop us from getting a lot of work done here in 1S!

In Bird Work, we compared and made connections between the human body and bird bodies. We played a game that began great conversations about certain body parts on humans and birds.

We also read and learned about different types of wings. We will continue to learn about types of wings next week.

In Ethics, we watched a movie about different types of families and what makes a family. We will continue to watch it next week.

In Spanish, we learned how to play 'Go Fish' in Spanish and learned about a holiday in Mexico called Día de los Muertos, which is being celebrated today!

In Math, we have been exploring the 100s chart and practiced counting by 2s and 5s. We learned a new game called '50' that had us practicing adding and subtracting by 10. We have also counted by 2s by subvocalizing; calling the even numbers LOUD numbers. Ask your children how a pigeon might count their numbers and they should be able to show you! (Try not to laugh when they do show you. :) Today we practiced counting in 2s by tracing our feet with a partner and counting them out loud as a class. We broke the 1S Record by counting in 9 seconds!!!!

The 5th Graders, Bryce, Elodie and Henry came to our classroom to share information about the NY Common Pantry Food Drive. Please send in donations by Friday, November 8th.

During our Community Time we met with our buddy class, 3H, for the first time! We took turns visiting each others classes and hearing about all we've been working on since the beginning of the year. In 1S we were very proud to share our bird study folders with our third grade buddies!

We had two wonderful Mystery Guests this week! Jen, Nicky's mom, came in and shared how much their family enjoys celebrating Halloween. She read a book called, 'Fright Club' and we decorated pumpkins afterwards! Thank you, Jen!

Today, Rebecca, Cora's mom, came in and shared her love for running. She also shared a book about Bobbi Gibb the first female to run the Boston Marathon. After reading, we ran laps around our playground that ended with giving Rebecca a big high five! Thank you, Rebecca!

Due to the rain, we had a few indoor choice times that were just as fun as out time. Here are a few  pictures of 1S coloring, building, making and working/ doing unfinished work by choice (yes, by choice)!

And of course.... PLAYDATE with 1L! Here are a few pictures of us having fun!

Have a wonderful weekend!
MY and Amanda

March 2nd- March 6th

Reminder:  Please send your child in with a water bottle. We want to be extra careful with our community germs and are trying not to use ...