Friday, December 20, 2019

December 16th - December 20th

Hello 1S Families,

We had a wonderful and productive week together in 1S before we headed off for the winter break!

In math we returned to our exploration of coins, focusing on the value of a quarter. We will keep practicing after break when we open our first "store" of the year!

We had two fabulous Mystery Guest this week! Belinda, Noa N.'s mom, came to talk to us about Hanukkah. She read us two great books, then we got to decorate frames and play the Dreidel game. We had a blast! Thank you, Belinda!

Lisa's mom, Marina came to teach us about artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning! We loved hearing about the ways we already are using AI and the ways we may help to shape it in the future. We played a game that allowed us to experience this firsthand!

We had a fun meet-up with our buddy class, 3H!  We played games and did crafts as we get to know each other better! We love spending time with our new third grade friends!

At the end of the week, we celebrated our 60th class point by watching the movie, Sing! We look forward to finishing it in 2020!

We finished our last day of school in 2019 with a beautiful, song-filled, assembly. Enjoy a the videos of our performance! ( You may need to cut and paste in your browser.)

Joan, our fabulous FL Librarian, sent home a login for the library so you can access audio and interactive books over the break. Look for the bright orange paper in your child's backpack for their unique login information.

Have a wonderful break! We look forward to seeing you and your children in 2020!!!

Thank you for all of the generous gifts that we collected from Joe's office this afternoon. We can't wait to enjoy them with our families.

Min Young and Amanda

March 2nd- March 6th

Reminder:  Please send your child in with a water bottle. We want to be extra careful with our community germs and are trying not to use ...