Friday, January 10, 2020

Happy 2020!

- Please remember to send in an extra set of clothes if you have not done so yet.


Dear Families,

Happy 2020! We were so excited to see everyone back this week. It seems like everyone enjoyed spending time with family and friends. We spent some times thinking about things that happened in 2019 and shared what our new year's resolutions are for 2020!

The start of the new year was the perfect time to update our self portraits! We spent some time using mirrors and our special people colored crayons to document how much we've changed. We can't wait for you to see them!!

In Math, we had our first 'Store' of the year! We each got 4 quarters and had to make a stop at the 'bank' for change as the stores would only take 'exact' change. We worked in partners to buy pattern blocks to complete our puzzles. Some times the shapes even went on sale and were sold for a cheaper price! We finished the week continuing with our money unit playing Coin Bingo. Coin names and values are a great thing to practice at home!

Did you know our skin color is all about science? During Ethics, Laura read us a wonderful book called, 'All the Colors We Are' by Katie Kissinger, which shared how our skin color is really about how active the melanin is in our bodies. We also started talking about how different shades of 'brown/tan colors' we are even though we can be called, 'white', 'black' or 'Asian'. We also learned that this also has to do with where our ancestors are from.


During Bird Study this week, we reviewed all of the amazing information we learned about birds so far this year.  We updated our class bird chart to reflect our new knowledge! After our review, we delved into learning about bird feet and how they differ depending on where a bird lives and what they eat. We will continue this fascinating study next week.

In Spanish, we learned about the the special holiday, El Dia De Los Tres Reyes Magos ( Three Kings Day), that is celebrated in some Latin countries on, January 6th. You can find more information here,  Next week will be doing a play with each of us playing a different animal! Look forward to some great pictures! 

Our first Mystery Guest of the new year was Aveer's mom, Ravina! She came to share how important environmental issues are to her and their family. She read the the book, Not for me, please! I choose to act green. After, we had a great discussion about what we can do everyday to help the environment. 

Have a wonderful weekend! 

MY and Amanda

March 2nd- March 6th

Reminder:  Please send your child in with a water bottle. We want to be extra careful with our community germs and are trying not to use ...