Friday, January 17, 2020

January 13th- January 17th, 2020

Please remember there is NO SCHOOL on Monday, 1/20

We have finished another busy yet fun-filled week here in 1S! We have worked hard and are looking forward to a well-deserved long weekend as we remember and celebrate Dr. King's birthday.

We have been reading Charlotte's Web and have been greatly enjoying our journey with Wilber, 'some pig' who is also 'terrific' and 'radiant'. Please ask your child about their favorite parts, characters or new words they might have learned. Or even ask them if they were Charlotte, what would be a word they would like to weave on their webs?

In math, we introduced the Fact Family Houses and have been working on practicing complements up to 7. We will continue to fill and practice complements up to 10 next week. Click here if you would like to print cards to reinforce complement math facts at home with your child.

This week, we learned more about bird feet and the connection to the habitats they live in. We made bird collages with oil pastel and watercolor using our knowledge of beaks and feet. Enjoy our imaginary birds!

We continued using are new favorite medium, oil pastel and watercolor, as we completed our portrait masterpieces!

Can you guess, who is who? (We can!!! :)

Our Mystery Guest, Denny, Benjamin M.'s dad shared his passion for Cricket. Did you know that Cricket has 11 players on each team and that the pitcher is called a 'bowler'? After reading a book about cricket and watching a short video, we had the chance the try batting as Denny bowled the ball for us! Thank you, Denny!

We have been having more discussions in the classroom about making 'good choices' as we have been reminding children that they are the ones who have the power to make these choices. Another skill we have been working on is reminding children that knowing when to 'stop' is an important skill to have, as it is a challenging thing to do even for adults! We encourage you to use these phrases and to discuss these topics with your child at home as well.

Last but not least, we had a wonderful playdate with 1L today. Due to the cold weather, we played in the gym together and some of us decided to play in 1S.

Our block builders also worked hard in building this AMAZING structure this week!

We wish everyone a wonderful long weekend!

MY and Amanda

March 2nd- March 6th

Reminder:  Please send your child in with a water bottle. We want to be extra careful with our community germs and are trying not to use ...