Friday, February 14, 2020

February 10th-14th

Hello 1S Families,

We had another busy and exciting week in 1S!

This week in math, Emily kicked off our 'adding doubles' unit by reading the book, Two of Everything by Lily Toy Hong. The children loved the story so much they could not stop laughing every time something fell into the magic pot! We practiced this skill by creating our own doubles books all the way up to 20+20! This was challenging but fun!

In Spanish, we had a lot of fun this week learning and playing games like HedBandz. Ask us to teach you the fun hand-clapping game, chocolate, that Monica taught us! Be on the lookout for some special Spanish Valentine's cards...

As we move deeper into our bird study we are starting to identify the birds we would like to learn more about. This week we used our teacher-made bird-books to find and draw some of these birds. Check out our beautiful paintings!

During language we continued our author study of Angela Johnson. We read different books of hers in our small groups and shared them with our whole class. We are enjoying all of her wonderful books and have been busy adding our ideas to our chart. 

In Ethics, Laura read Clack, Clack, Moo by Doreen Cronin. This familiar favorite was a great way to discuss the power of standing up for what you believe in by organizing and taking action! 

During our Community Time on Wednesday, we read another favorite, Iggy Peck Architect, by Andrea Beaty. After reading the story we played a team building game inspired by the book. We worked together to get everyone across the river using only one 'pebble' each. We had so much fun and did a great job of working together!

Thank you to everyone who joined us for Parents and Special friends' Visiting Day. It was wonderful sharing part of our day and seeing you all!

Have a wonderful long weekend. We look forward to seeing your children on Wednesday!

MY and Amanda 

March 2nd- March 6th

Reminder:  Please send your child in with a water bottle. We want to be extra careful with our community germs and are trying not to use ...