Friday, February 7, 2020

February 3rd- February 7th, 2020

Dear Families,

We had a busy and fun-filled week here in 1S which included a field trip to the Greenburgh Nature!

Here are a few(or maybe more than a few...:)  photos from our wonderful trip!

We had a very special Mystery Guest this week, our very own Fieldston Lower principal, Joe! The children were quite surprised and very happy with his visit. He played his guitar and shared that he used to be a 1st grade teacher. He showed pictures of when he was a first grade teacher and of students that are now either 26 or 27 years old! He helped us start writing a song about 1S. 

In math, we learned a new addition strategy called, 'Strings of Numbers'. This is a strategy that requires recognizing and using complements of 10. For example, ask your child to solve (on paper, not verbally) 2+6+3+8+4 and be prepared to be impressed! :)  We also continued the complements of ten math games that we love so much!

We have been reading a wonderful book titled, 'This is How We Do It', which is a book that portrays one day in the lives of 7 children from all around the world. It shares what they had for breakfast, what their houses look like, what they play, how they sleep and much more. We were inspired to create our own 1S book!

In Language Arts, we began our author study of Angela Johnson. We shared what we noticed about the characters, settings, illustrations, and the author's message. We will be reading many more of her beautiful books next week to continue our author study. 

We were disappointed that the weather didn't allow us to go outside as much as we would have liked but we made the most of it during indoor choices time! We painted, we played with blocks, and made some fabulous progress on our class puzzle. 

During our bird work time, we began exploring the amazing teacher made books that reflect the many years of the first grade bird study. We brainstormed the different ways to sort birds, practiced sorting by habitat and then chose different ways to sort. If you are looking for jobs to delegate at home first graders love to sort!

Have a wonderful weekend! 

MY and Amanda

March 2nd- March 6th

Reminder:  Please send your child in with a water bottle. We want to be extra careful with our community germs and are trying not to use ...